
Bus stop map search

Shows bus stop locations and bus routes on a map.

Step 1 :Move the map.

Zoom in or out, or scroll the map to show the bus stop you are looking for

Enter a place-name, a bus stop name, address, or facility name and click the Show map button to show a map of the surrounding area

Step 2 :Select a bus stop.

Click the symbol of the bus stop you are looking for on the map to select that bus stop

Selected bus stop

Step 3 :Select a bus route


品93 系統の停留所と運行ルートを地図上で表示します。

Shows the whole bus route on the map.
Clears the selected bus route and shows all the bus stops.

Step 4 :Shows the timetable.

品93 系統
都立産業技術高専品川キャンパス前 行き

Select a bus stop to show the bus stop location.

Clears all selections.

How to use

  • Enter a location and click the Show map button.
    The bus stops in the displayed area and the bus route that pass through that area are listed.
  • From here you can check the bus operation status, bus stop timetable, and current bus locations.